Legislature(1993 - 1994)

1994-01-28 Senate Journal

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1994-01-28                     Senate Journal                      Page 2612
SB 229                                                                       
The Health, Education and Social Services Committee considered                 
SENATE BILL NO. 229 "An Act making an appropriation for the                    
construction of a dormitory at the University of Alaska Anchorage;             
and providing for an effective date."  Signing no recommendation:              
Senator Rieger, Chair, Senator Miller.  Signing do pass:  Senators             
Ellis, Salo.  Senator Ellis further signed go Seawolves.  Signing no           
recommendation, should be amended to include other campuses:                   
Senator Duncan.                                                                

1994-01-28                     Senate Journal                      Page 2613
SB 229                                                                       
Signing no recommendation, need to look at consistency with                    
financial plan:  Senator Leman.  Signing no recommendation, needs              
to fit into overall U of A fiscal needs:  Senator Sharp.                       
SENATE BILL NO. 229 was referred to the Finance Committee.